torek, 8. oktober 2013


extrARTish v Kinu Šiška je srečanje, sejem in razstava 11 slovenskih ARTishank, ki delujejo na področju sodobne ilustracije.

V razstavnem prostoru Kamera bodo predstavljena izbrana dela, ki bodo v okviru umetniške tržnice na voljo tudi za prodajo. extrARTish bo predstavil umetniška dela MILANKE FABJANČIČ, METE WRABER, POLONE PAČNIK, ARIJANE GADŽIJEV, ŽIVE VIVIANE DORIA, LAURE LIČER, MATEJE LUKEŽIČ, ANE HRIBAR, SONJE RAJH, NINE KAVZAR in PATSY.

Projekt extrARTish podpira tudi Ministrstvo za Kulturo RS.

19. oktober 2013, 10.00 do 17.00
Kino Šiška, Ljubljana

sobota, 8. junij 2013

ARTish #17 - otvoritev sezone na Gornjem trgu v Ljubljani

Bilo je sončno.
In že se veselimo naslednjega ARTisha, ki bo 29.6. na Gornjem trgu v Ljubljani.


ps: Več foto utrinkov si lahko ogledate TUKAJ.

torek, 19. marec 2013

ARTish India

ARTish India is a place where we are representing great and innovative artists from India! Our goal is to represent amazing artists from all India and to introduce their work to the whole world!

Mural paintings / Traditional Art of Kerala photo Erika Felicijan ARTish

A rare and great opportunity for all the artists from India to showcase their talent and products in one of the most beautiful places in India: Fort Kochi, Kerala.

ARTish is a revolutionary movement started by the artist and entrepreneur, Erika Felicijan - Patsy in Slovenia. ARTish Slovenia is a massive hit in Slovenia. And now it is launched in India as ARTish India, providing an enlightening a...nd nurturing platform, for all the Indian artists to be recognized internationally.

If you are one of the artists craving to show the world what you have and keep improving your caliber, THIS IS THE TIME. Come, join us in Kerala with your amazing work. Bring in all your work: paintings, jewellery, clothes, anything that is a product of your artistic imagination and display it proudly.

For more details on the venue and other details, Kindly leave a message (

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